The II International Conference on the History and Culture of Perfume will be held from December 1 to 3, 2021, entirely in virtual format through the Microsoft Teams platform.
The celebration of the II International Conference on History and Culture of Perfume aims to continue the work begun with the previous edition and expand the scope of its objectives: the vindication of perfume as an object of study in the Humanities, the interdisciplinary and international exchange of research results related to perfume and smell, as well as the growing expansion of the field of sensory studies, beyond visuality. This conference will bring together academic contributions from a range of specialists from different areas of knowledge, together with the invited intervention of professionals from outside the field of research, but linked to the professional development of perfume and associated artistic manifestations.
The central thematic axis will be based on academic reflection on the cultural values of perfume -historical, artistic, scientific, technological, experiential, social…- through which it is intended to build a multidisciplinary identity with which to approach this current object of study.
Keynote speakers: David Howes (Concordia University), Annick Le Guérer (Independent), Mª. Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos Pascual (Universitat de València), Cecilia Bembibre (University College London), María del Rosario Caballero Rodríguez (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) and Héctor Manuel Enríquez Andrade (Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia).
Registration open until: November 30th.
Reduced fees by early registration until: November 20th.
Check the conference programme and the reduced and special fees through the following link:
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Erika Wicky (10 novembre 2021). II International Conference on History and Culture of Perfume (1-3 december 2021). Cultures olfactives. Consulté le 9 septembre 2024 à l’adresse